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Jaehwan Lee†, Seongbeom Yeon†, Bonwoo Koo, Bokyeong Sohn, Sun Jae Park, Cheoljae Kim, Himchan Cho*
ACS Energy Lett. 2025, 10, 1, 94-101
(SCI, IF = 23.991, Publication date : 2024.12.13 )

"Revealing the Role of Organic Ligands in Deep-Blue-Emitting Colloidal Europium Bromide Perovskite Nanocrystals"
Jaeyeong Ha†, Seongbeom Yeon†, Jaehwan Lee, Hyungdoh Lee, Himchan Cho*
ACS Nano 2024, 18, 46, 31891–31902
(SCI, IF = 15.8, Publication date : 2024.10.17 )

“Progress and Prospects of Nanoscale Emitter Technology for AR/VR Displays”
Sun Jae Park†, Changmin Keum†, Huanyu Zhou, Tae-Woo Lee, Wonhee Choe, Himchan Cho*
Adv.Mater.Technol.2023, 8, 2201070
(SCI, IF = 8.856, Publication date : 2023.10.24 )

“Direct Optical Lithography of Colloidal InP-Based Quantum Dots with Ligand Pair Treatment”
Jaehwan Lee, Jaeyeong Ha, Hyungdoh Lee, Hyunjin Cho, DohC. Lee, Dmitri V. Talapin*, Himchan Cho*
ACS Energy Lett. 2023, 8, 10, 4210–4217
(SCI, IF = 23.991, Publication date : 2023.09.25 )

“Direct Optical Patterning of Quantum Dot Light-Emitting Diodes via in situ ligand exchange”
H. Cho, J.-A. Pan, H. Wu, X. Lan, I. Coropceanu, Y. Wang, W. Cho, E. A. Hill, J. A. Anderson, D. V. Talapin*

“Scalable Noninvasive Organic Fiber Lithography for Large-Area Optoelectronics”
H.-D. Lee†, H. Kim†, H. Cho†(equal 1st author), W. Cha, Y.Hong, Y.-H.Kim, A. Sadhanala, V. Venugopalan, J.S.Kim, J.W.Choi, C.-L. Lee, D. Kim, H. Yang, R. H. Friend, T.-W. Lee*
Advanced Functional Materials 2019, 29(27), 1901225
(SCI, IF = 19, Publication date: 2019.04.01)

"Organometal halide perovskite artificial synapses"
W. Xu, H. Cho, Y.-H. Kim, Y.-T. Kim, C. Wolf, C.-G. Park, T.-W. Lee*
Advanced Materials 2016, 28(28), 5916–5922
(SCI, IF = 29.4, Publication date: 2016.07.27)

"Efficient Visible Quasi-2D Perovskite Light-Emitting Diodes"
J. Byun†, H. Cho† (equal 1st author), C. Wolf, M. Jang, A. Sadhanala, R. H. Friend, H. Yang, T.-W. Lee*
Advanced Materials 2016, 28(34), 7515–7520
(SCI, IF = 29.4, Publication date: 2016.06.23)

“Scalable Noninvasive Organic Fiber Lithography for Large-Area Optoelectronics”
H. Cho, S.-H. Jeong, S.-Y. Min, T.-H. Han, M.-H. Park, Y.-H. Kim, W. Xu, T.-W. Lee*
Advanced Optical Materials 2016, 4(6), 967-972
(SCI Expanded, IF = 9,
Publication date: 2016.03.09)

“Multicolored Organic/Inorganic Hybrid Perovskite Light-Emitting Diodes”
Y.-H. Kim†, H. Cho† (equal 1st author), J. H. Heo†, T.-S. Kim, N. Myoung, C.-L. Lee, S. H. Im*, T.-W. Lee*
Advanced Materials 2015, 27(7), 1248-1254
(SCI, IF = 29.4, Publication date: 2014.11.25)

“Electrospun Organic Nanofiber Electronics and Photonics”
H. Cho, S.-Y. Min, T.-W. Lee*
Macromolecular Materials and Engineering 2013, 298(5), 475-486
(SCI, IF = 3.9, Publication date: 2013.03.19)